Digital Health Talks - Changemakers Focused on Fixing Healthcare

Advancing Digital Health Integration: Insights into EHR Interoperability and Industry Practices

Episode Notes

In this engaging discussion, we'll delve into the findings of a national survey conducted by Dr. Rosner and his team, exploring the experiences of digital health companies integrating their tools with Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Driven by the increasing importance of interoperability in healthcare, this research sheds light on key challenges and opportunities in the field.

Discuss the motivations behind the research, the collaborators involved, and the study's design Understand the implications of the survey results 

Address the hurdles digital health companies face in adopting standard APIs, including high fees, difficulty accessing EHR testing environments, and the continued use of proprietary APIs alongside standard ones

Strategies to overcome these barriers and facilitate seamless communication between digital health tools and EHR systems




ONC's Health IT Buzz Blog Post: Digital Health Company Experiences Using EHR APIs, Wes Barker; Catherine Strawley and Benjamin Rosner | FEBRUARY 15, 2024


A national survey of digital health company experiences with electronic health record application programming interfaces

Wesley Barker, MS, Natalya Maisel, PhD, Catherine E Strawley, MPH, Grace K Israelit, MPH, Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, Benjamin Rosner, MD, PhD

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,ocae006,


Draft USCDI v5includes 13 new data elements and two new data classes. Please reference the Draft USCDI v5 standard document and the Standards Bulletin 2024-1 for details. ONC is accepting feedback on the proposed new data elements on the Draft USCDI v5 website until Monday, April 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Feedback will be considered as ONC develops the final version of USCDI v5, which we anticipate publishing in July 2024.

Draft USCDI v5:



Wesley Barker, Branch Chief Office of the National Coordinator, US Department of Health and Human Services

Ben Rosner, MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor, UCSF - Digital Health Researcher and Hospital Physician, Founding CMIO HealthLoop, CMS Adviser, Network of Digital Evidence

Megan Antonelli, Chief Executive Officer, HealthIMPACT